
Saturday, June 11, 2011

Luscious Lemon Tart

My son loves lemon doughnuts, but I usually don't fry anything so I couldn't make those for there a good baked lemon doughnut recipe?  Anyways, I wanted to make him something special since his schedule is very hectic right now with soccer and football! While looking through my recipes I decided on a lemon tart, however a lot of them called for lots of sugar or lots of lemon juice!  I didn't want it to be sickening sweet or too tart so I decided to make my own. This recipe is slightly sweet with a subtle lemon taste to it...exactly what I wanted! 

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Ingredients are as follows:

3/4 C butter, softened
1 1/2 C flour
3/4 C powdered sugar
1 tsp. vanilla

4 eggs
1 1/4 C sugar
1/4 C flour
1/3 C of lemon juice

1/4 C powdered sugar 


Preheat oven to 350 degrees; grease a 9 inch Springform Pan.

Cream together the butter, flour, powdered sugar and vanilla.

Press dough evenly into prepared pan.

Bake in preheated oven for 15 minutes or until slightly golden brown.

While the crust is baking, whisk together the eggs, sugar, flour and  lemon juice until light and frothy.

Pour egg mixture into the par-baked crust.

 Bake an additional 20-25 minutes or until brown around the edges.

Allow to cool completely then sprinkle on the powdered sugar.

Slice, serve and enjoy!

This is best served slightly chilled!


  1. You're so right that they tend to be a little too sweet sometimes. I love that you created your own delicious version.

  2. Great job creating your own, it just takes a slight mis-hap to fail this tart but you nailed it, looks awesome!

  3. Another beautiful dessert from you. Gorgeous! I love lemon in the summer. Thanks for sharing on A Well-Seasoned Life's Sweet Indulgences Sunday.

  4. That tart looks fantastic! How sweet of you to create a recipe especially for your son :) Have a good weekend!

  5. omg my mouth is watering. I am gonna make this as soon as I can!I am following u.

    I also love ur blog title. so cute

    Visiting from FTLOB

  6. Reading this made my mouth water! It looks delicious. I love lemon too but not too tart. This sounds just right.

  7. oh yum!! This looks great! Thanks for linking this up to savory sunday!!

    don't forget to link up :)

  8. lemon is so refreshing and has a wonderful taste to me I believe this would be awesome thanks for sharing come see me at and see what I shared

  9. Mmmm... that looks delicious!

  10. My daughter loves lemon squares, I will have to make this tart for her. It looks so good, I would love to find it on my kitchen counter right now.

  11. I want to eat this now!!! Yum, I can't wait to try this. I think lemon is just my most favorite flavor. Hope your son enjoyed it!

  12. Yummers! I'd love for you to link up at Thanks for sharing!

  13. This was delicious! I made it last night for a family get-together and it was a hit. Thanks for the recipe.

  14. I love the idea of baking this in a springform pan. I've always had issues with getting these out of a pan in one piece. Thanks!
    I'm hosting my first link party today Cast Party Wednesday and I would love it if you would come over and share this recipe with us.
    I hope to see you there!

  15. Lemon almost ANYthing is delicious! These look fantastic. :-)

  16. This sounds very good!! I usually don't like lemon flavors, but this sounds like the right balace :)
    Thanks for sharing!
    Come see me at

  17. This is amazing! I made this evening and it was a total hit. Right now it's my new favorite dessert. I agree it had just the right amount of sugar and lemon flavor. I had to cook both the pie and crust 10 minutes longer than the recipe called for. Thanks for sharing this recipe!

  18. Lisa, This tart looks delicious. Have a wonderful day.

  19. This tart looks perfect! I love lemon anything!

  20. Yum...what a refreshing dessert. I wanted to make one now! :)

  21. Lisa this looks melt-in-your-mouth delicious! I will have to try this recipe! Visiting from Foodie Friday. xo,

  22. This sounds like my kind of dessert! Not too sweet or tart! :)

    Thanks for linking up to Melt in Your Mouth Monday!

  23. This looks DELICIOUS!! I've been a fan for a while but thought I would leave a comment and say hi. I would love it if you would follow me back!


  24. Hi Lisa,
    This is a beautiful Lemon Tart. Great summertime recipe for a tart. Thank you so much for sharing with Full Plate Thursday and hope to see you next week!
    Miz Helen

  25. I love lemmon desserts.

    I would love for you to link this and more up to my linky party that runs Friday evening through Sunday night. You can find the button for the party at

    Our last party, the first ever, had over 300 links so this week there will be a special give away just for linkers, hope to see you soon.

    Come strut your stuff!

  26. I've been craving something lemony lately. This would be perfect!

    I hope you'll stop by and share your recipe with Sweet Tooth Friday!

  27. What a beautiful slice of lemon. Looks delicious. Have a great day.

  28. wow This is such a tempting lemon tart!

  29. This looks delicious! I'm your newest follower!

  30. Love anything with lemon and this looks delicious! Thanks for sharing.

  31. Thanks for sharing this yummy recipe with us. I hope you will come over tomorrow and share more of your delicious recipes with us at Cast Party Wednesday.
    I hope to see you there!

  32. Congratulations Lisa!
    You are featured on Full Plate Thursday this week! Thanks for the great post!
    Miz Helen

  33. YAY! You were in the top 6 for last week's Themed Baker's Sunday! Come back this next week for the new theme: STRAWBERRIES! And don't forget to enter yourself to win a free Brownie Pop Mold!

  34. Another tasty recipe that I am going to have to try! I'm loving your blog. :)


  35. i love lemon tarts. this looks amazing. and its a good excuse to use the springform pan that i HAD to have on the wedding registry. haha. thank you for sharing.

  36. My family loves lemon anything lemon this is a wonderful recipe a true lemon perfect tart. Thanks for each an every recipe my kitchen is busy an my family happy you made a huge difference in our meals an sweets your truely the BEST. :) MRS.K.COTTON & FAMILY.

  37. I love lemon tarts--especially with lots of tartness.


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