
Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Five Awards!

What an amazing week this has been.   I was awarded five Versatile Blogger Awards!  Serena from Serena Bakes Simply from Scratch, Debbie from Life Is Sweets,  Debbie from Debbie does CreationsTiffany from My Crowded Kitchen and Allison from The French Whisk are the lovely ladies who passed this along to me!  I cannot tell you how grateful I am to all of you.  From the bottom of my heart I say thank-you! 

Here's how the award works:  Once you are awarded the Versatile Blogger award you are to:
  •  Thank the people who gave you this award.
  •  Include a link to their blog.
  •  Nominate 15 bloggers for the Versatile Blogger Award.
  •  Tell 7 things about yourself.

Now onto my nominations!  They go to:

These are wonderful blogs!  I hope you'll take a minute to stop by and see why I've nominated them.   So seven things about me are:
  • I'm married to my high school sweetheart and soon we'll be celebrating our 19th anniversary :)
  • I can bake, however I'm not crafty at all!  I try, but it just doesn't work out for me.
  • My kids have all of the Call of Duty Black-Ops maps and I love to play them too!  
  •  I love white Lillie's, they are the prettiest flower!
  • I'm a procrastinator;  I can't decide what to have on a pizza.
  •  I love to have neat cupboards.  I have to have all my cans, boxes, spices, etc.  lined up in neat rows.  When they get out of order it bothers me a lot!
  • Someday I hope to publish a cookbook.  I'd love to publish one where others contribute their own recipes too...I love community style cookbooks.
Thank you all again for this award!  


  1. Thank you so much for the award. I am honored!

  2. Thanks Lisa!! I love your 7 facts, many of which I can relate too, lol!
    Take care..

  3. I am delighted you have given me the Versatile Blogger Award! I do consider it an honor, and will be very proud to post it on my blog! Thank you very, very much! Hugs, Patsy

  4. Thanks Lisa! I really appreciate the award! :)

  5. Thanks so much Lisa! Love hearing more about you, too. :)

  6. How very sweet. Thank you for the award!

  7. Thanks so much for the award, I'm honored!
    Paige @ The Sweet Spot

  8. Thank you, Lisa, so very much for thinking of me and honoring me with this award. I loved reading about you. I'm married to my high school sweetheart, too...but going on 42 years!! Woo hoo!!!

  9. Congratulations on your award, Lisa!

  10. Thanks Lisa for this award. I really appreciate that you like my blog!!! Congrats to you for being honored by several other bloggers. How exciting.

    Beth @ Hungry Happenings

  11. Oh my, thank you so, so much Lisa for honoring me with such great award! Thank you so much for liking my blog and the feeling is very reciprocated. Congrats for the five time award, you sure deserve it caz you certainly are very VERSATILE for sure!!!
    Lots of hugs,

  12. Thanks so much Lisa for bestowing this lovely award on me. I am honored. I really enjoyed reading those details about you. Very lovely post! That would be something special to get 5 awards so quickly. NICE!

  13. That is fabulous news! Congratulations!!! I am a huge fan of your blog and enjoy linking up week after week. I would be honored to have some of your recipes shared with us at Kids in the Kitchen link up. You can find this weeks link here:
    Stop by and feel free to link up to us each Tuesday, we would love it! Thanks so much! Again, congrats on such a well deserved award. Blessings, Carrie - young living oil lady

  14. Wow!! That is awesome!! congratulations :) I really enjoy your blog

  15. Thanks for the award Lisa. So fun ready about others quirks (like your neat cabinets). You might just about die in my house, could you come do some organizing for me???? I'm constantly cleaning up sugar, powdered sugar and other things that come flying out of my cabinets!


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