
Friday, April 13, 2012

Ultimate Blog Party!

Welcome everyone!  This is the first year I'm participating in the Ultimate Blog Party, however I'm very excited to have the chance to participate.  This party is all about getting to know each another and finding lots of new blogs! 

Flour Me With Love  was started as way for me to share what I like to do best, bake!  I love to get creative in the kitchen and I wanted to show others how enjoyable it is.  I decided to show step-by-step photo tutorials so it's easy to follow along. 

Behind the scenes:
  • I'm so fortunate to be a stay-at-home mom.  
  • I'll soon be celebrating my 19th anniversary.  
  • We have four beautiful kids and one precious little dog.  

So there ya have it!  I hope you'll join me in my baking adventures :)  


  1. Stopping by from UBP 12. It's nice to 'meet' you! I love baking, too ... just wish my waistline could take more of it! :-)
    Tracey @ The Kitchen is My Playground

  2. My first time at UBP also! I think we 'party' at the same places because I recognize many of your yummy recipes! Our behind the scene stories are similar; I too am a SAHM (to three) and married almost 12 years. Have a nice weekend and come say hello sometime:)

  3. Hello,
    Newbie here too from the UBP. Cant wait to look at your recipes. I'm a new blogger so my blog it kinda all over the place. However stop on by and say hello if you want.

  4. Thanks for stopping by my Blog {} from the UBP2012. That peanut butter pie looks de.lish! Going to print out the recipe right now! Look forward to reading more of your recipes!

  5. Stopping by from UBP '12...cant wait to delve into your cute blog! You can find me at

  6. Hi from the UBP12- there don't seem to be a ton of food blogs listed so I'm glad I found yours! Looking fowrad to reading and trying some new recipes. Want to swap- have a lemon poppy seed berry cake up today at Ladies Holiday. Hope you stop on by.

  7. Love your blog :)

    Stopping by to say hello very late from UBP.


Your comments are greatly appreciated. Thank you for taking the time to leave one :)