Thursday, June 14, 2012

Featuring You!

Welcome to another week of Featuring You!  Our Spotlight of the Week goes to Home 4 Good for sharing these scrumptious Brownie Waffle Sundaes.  The kids already said we'll be making these soon :)  It amazes me how creative you all are not only in the kitchen, but your projects too!  This week we had a lot of them and two of them are being featured today.  Thanks so much for sharing and making this party a success!

Our features this week are:

Thank you all for sharing at Mix it up Monday,
I hope to see you next week too!


  1. pretty shed is featured :-)Thank you! And thank you for having such a fun party each week!!

  2. Thank you for featuring me! I appreciate it greatly! Now I have my blogpost for the day LOL

  3. Aww Thank you so much for featuring me! You made my day. :)

  4. Thank you so much for featuring me. I'm so excited !

  5. Your recipes look fabulous! I'm a new follower via the blog hop and I'd love to see you at my Thursday link up. I'm at Smiles, Sarah


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