

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Featuring You!

It's time to show off some wonderful features again this week.  Our Spotlight of the Week goes to Food Done Light for sharing this scrumptious Carrot Cake Bread that has only 102 calories per serving!  I can't wait to try this because I love low calorie treats.  Once again there were so many amazing posts shared at Mix it up Monday...thank you!

Our features this week are:

Thank you all for sharing,
I hope to see you next week too! 


  1. Wow! Thanks for featuring my wedding invitation ornament. Makes me smile from ear to ear.


  2. The carrot cake bread looks delicious! Can't wait to try. Happy Halloween!

  3. Thanks for spotlighting my Carrot Cake Bread. My first spotlight!! Very special, you made my day.

  4. Thank you so much for featuring my rice "pudding"! :)


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