

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Featuring You!

Welcome to Featuring You!  This week our Spotlight of the Week goes to Say it with Cake for sharing this amazing Heaven & Hell Cake.  Do you see all those scrumptious layers?  They are chocolate and peanut butter!  Thank you all for sharing this week at Mix it up Monday I hope you enjoy the features!

Our features this week are:

Thank you all for sharing at Mix it up Monday,
 I hope to see you next week too!


  1. Thanks a bunch, Lisa for featuring my herb station among these deliciously inspiring recipes:) Always a pleasure joining your party each week! Have a good week!hugs, Poppy

  2. Thank you so much for featuring my Apple Praline Bread! I am so excited! It is always fun to join in your parties, and check out all the recipes.

  3. Thank you so much for featuring my Heaven and Hell cake!! I am so honored! I love linking up to your link parties and I'm so glad you liked my cake!!! Thank you!!!


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