

Monday, October 28, 2013

The Sweeter Side of Candida + a giveaway!

Giveaway graphic


Celebrate The Sweeter Side of Candida With Us!

We're so excited to announce the November 1st launch of The Sweeter Side of Candida! Candida is a health concern that requires a person to be on a sugar-free diet. But whether you have candida or not, The Sweeter Side of Candida is a cookbook for anyone trying to lose weight or stay healthy. It's filled with over 70 delicious sugar and gluten-free desserts just in time for the holidays!

Double Trouble Layered Pumpkin Cheesecake


15 Gift Pack Giveaway!

To celebrate, over 45 bloggers and 20 companies are joining together to give away these 15 Gift Packs!

gift pack giveaway


 A Special Thank you to our Sponsors!

Enter The Giveaway For a Chance to Win BIG! Please wait for the Rafflecopter to load here:



Winners will be announced at the Facebook Party! Come on over and bring a friend!

fb directions Need not be present to win.
photo credit: freedigitalphotos.net

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