
Friday, December 13, 2013

Blue Ribbon Pecan Pie

I love to make pies!  I love rolling out the dough, filling it up with something delicious and the smell that comes from the oven.  I never made a pecan pie before so when I saw it in the newest cookbook Hometown Christmas by Gooseberry Patch, I couldn't wait to make it.  This recipe is so simple, it only takes a few ingredients, and you can whip it up in no time at all.  You'll find all kinds of wonderful recipes in Hometown Christmas.  It features Breakfast with Santa, Sledding Party Warmers, Old-Fashioned Christmas Dinner, Open House...You're Invited, Tree-Trimming Treats, Slow-Cooker Comfort Foods, and Coming Home for Christmas.  Not only will you find lots of festive recipes there's also merry making tips and warm holiday memories 

Make sure you enter below to win a copy of Hometown Christmas and there's a gift from me too.  Merry Christmas & Happy New Year!

 Ingredients are as follows: 

1 (9 inch) pie crust 
1/2 C pecan halves (I crushed mine up because of the kids)
3 eggs
1 C dark corn syrup
1 C sugar
1 tsp. vanilla
1/8 tsp. salt 


Preheat oven to 400 degrees; grease a 9" pie pan. 

Place unbaked crust into pie plate and arrange pecans in crust; set aside. 

In a bowl, beat eggs well.

Mix in the corn syrup, sugar, vanilla and salt.

Pour mixture over pecans in crust.

Bake at 400 degrees for 15 minutes; reduce temperature to 325 degrees.  Bake an additional 30 minutes or until center of the pie is set (mine took about 55 minutes). 

Cool completely then slice, serve and enjoy! 

Gooseberry Patch has graciously offered a cookbook to one of you and I bought this adorable gingerbread cupcake kit and gingerbread bakery bags too.    

Contest Closed!  Congratulations... 

I Play Outside The BoxDecember 14, 2013 at 5:32 AM
My favorite thing is to make sausage balls for the family....that is always the first thing they request....and the spicier the better for them. :)

 If you'd like to win, all you have to do is leave a comment telling me your favorite Christmas tradition.

If you comment anonymously you have to leave an email so I can contact you...thanks!

~For additional entries please leave a separate comment for one (or all) of the following:

Follow Flour Me With Love on Twitter


This contest is open to U.S. residents due to shipping costs.  It will end on December 19th; winner will be notified via email.  Gooseberry Patch provided me with a cookbook, however the opinions expressed are my own.


  1. My favorite Christmas tradition is baking cookies.

  2. I just love visiting family and having our big after Christmas celebration on the 26th! We shop Christmas clearance sales, exchange gifts, decorate gingerbread houses and have people on Facebook vote for their favorites, have a big dinner, and just enjoy being together.

  3. My favorite Christmas tradition is reading the Christmas story (Matthew 1:18-25 and Luke 2:1-19).

  4. Baking and decorating sugar cookies with a group of my girlfriends!

  5. decorating the tree with family

  6. Baking and decorating sugar cookies with a group of my girlfriends!

  7. My favorite Christmas tradition is opening Christmas presents with my family early Christmas morning. I did it with my brother and parents when I was growing up, and now I am continuing the tradition with my own son and daughter!

  8. My favorite Christmas tradition is making christmas cookies/candy with my mom!!

  9. Liked Gooseberry Patch FB page

  10. My favorite Christmas tradition is being with family!!!

  11. My favorite Christmas tradition is being with family!!!

  12. i love this i can do this with my kids and have fun.liked all on facebook,followed on twitter and pintrest

  13. We have to keep alive our family tradition of making my Dad's fudge on Christmas Eve. My Dad, who passed away last summer shortly before his 99th birthday, came up with a special recipe for fudge as a soldier in WWII, and always made it every Christmas Eve even up to his 97th year. My sister made it last Christmas, which turned out to be Daddy's last ever, and we all plan to continue the tradition in our own families.

  14. My favorite Christmas tradition is the German advent calendars the kids and some of us adults get. My mom is German and the calendars are apart of her heritage. The calendars have different chocolate pieces in the shape of Christmas items. My grandson is the newest addition to our tradition.

  15. My favorite Christmas tradition is the German advent calendars the kids and some of us adults get. My mom is German and the calendars are apart of her heritage. The calendars have different chocolate pieces in the shape of Christmas items. My grandson is the newest addition to our tradition.

  16. My favorite Christmas tradition is decorating the tree with my son. The same way my brother and I did with our mom. Listening to Christmas songs, and drinking hot chocolate!

  17. Decorating the tree, and drinking hot cocoa!

  18. Making tamales with my fiancée!

  19. My favorite Christmas was when my mom baked 250 cupcakes and let me decorate them in Christmas red and green sprinkles and then we took them to our local Headstart Children's Program and passed them out. That's what Christmas is all about to me. Giving. My mom now spends Christmas in Heaven but I continue to give!

  20. We have a tradition that we like to do in our house we like to be bake all kinds of sweet and goodies and then put them in baskets and give them to people all around the neighborhood to bring them a little cheer and a smile on their face

  21. Our favorite tradition is for my husband and myself to run away for a wonderful Christmas holiday for just the two of us. Stress free and wonderful!

  22. My favorite tradition is going to the candle light service at church on Christmas Eve.

  23. Having both of my girls and my grandson at home!!

  24. I Like Gooseberry Patch on Facebook

  25. I Like Flour Me With Love on Facebook

  26. I bake the cut out cookies with grandchildren! Hard, messy but we all have fun cutting out and decorating. Oh and eating! 😊

  27. making the Christmas cookies that have been passed down from my ancestors,,, lots of fun knowing what they did is now what I do....and watching my daughters and now my grands wanting to do them too.... wonderful way to keep family traditions going

  28. My favorite Christmas tradition is baking candy & cookies and decorating cute tins to put them in. Then my daughter and I deliver them to neighbors and friends. Such a awesome feeling.


  29. I Follow Gooseberry Patch on Twitter


  30. I Follow Flour Me With Love on Twitter


  31. I Follow Flour Me With Love on Pinterest

  32. my family makes my mom's christmas cookies together every year since mom passed 5 years ago.We keep her with us

  33. Making my Mom's family favorite...Merk's coffee cake. It's kind of like a pound cake with a cinnamon/sugar/nut center and topping. YUM!!! She passed away this January, so I'm trying to continue her tradition of making them every year!!!

  34. Making dinner with the kids on Christmas Eve. Making gingerbread houses and ornaments and goodies for their teachers.

  35. My favorite tradition is driving around to see the Christmas lights and warming up with hot cocoa and cookies afterwards.

  36. My most favorite tradition was driving around with my mom looking at all the Christmas lights.We'd have a thermos of either hot chocolate or cider and blast Christmas music. She's gone now, but I have 2 little girls of my own to carry this on with.

  37. Making Christmas cookies and candy with my mom and sisters when i was growing up was so special. I did it with my kids and now I am doing that with my grandkids.

  38. cheese plate around 10 or so, and then opening presents for all us especially the grandkids! then around 230 or so a big feast with the uncles, grandparents and friends!

  39. I love the baking and making candy and fudge. I have good memories doing this

  40. I love the baking and making candy and fudge. I have good memories doing this

  41. We always go to Christmas Eve services no matter where we are. I used to love going at midnight.

  42. I love Christmas time!!!! Love all the candy making and baking!!!!! Our family tradition for 32 since my husband and I have been married we have Christmas Eve at my mom & dad's with a great meal and then open gifts!!!! My father passed way 4 years ago, but Christmas was his favorite time of the year to have his children and grandchildren to be there...he loved it!!!!!

  43. steak and rigatoni dinner for every Christmas eve

  44. My favorite has always been the family baking together.

  45. My Grand mom used to make fudge for all of us . Nobody has made it since she passed in 2007. I just got the recipe from another family member. Now I want to start her tradition back up.

  46. I love making caramel popcorn balls, cookies and candy with my girls and now I get to share it with my grandson. He loves decorating and eating all the yummy stuff.

  47. I love making homemade goodies and taking them to neighbors !!!

  48. Every year at Christmas my family finds some crazy prop to get our pictures made with. Such as an elf hat, pop bottle glasses, bubba teeth, santa beard, etc. We then take an individual picture of every person wearing it (of course everyone gets their own bubba teeth) My niece will make a poster of these pictures and bring it the next Christmas get together. It is really fun trying to come up with something new every year. I know its a little crazy but lots of fun!

  49. My favorite tradition is really a simple one. Putting on some Christmas music, turning off the lights, turning on the tree and just sitting there in it's glow.

  50. I can't cook worth a flip, but I love to bake...there is just something magical about it. Talk about aromatherapy Kerry Jean Howell email

  51. Cinnamon rolls on Christmas Morning, and then Christmas at our parents with my husband's side of the family. My sister in law brings a cheese ball and we spend the together. I love it!!

  52. My favorite tradition is making divinity. Each Christmas my job as i child was to put the cherry or pecan half on the top for my Mom and it isn't Christmas until I have enjoyed those memories.

  53. Favorite holiday tradition is making popcorn balls on Christmas Eve for the stockings. I have done this with my great grandparents and grandparents.

  54. We have Sauerbraten, Red cabbage, and Klose, and some years a Black forest cake a German meal that I been doing for the last 15 + years

  55. Love baking cookies and breads for the Christmas season.

  56. Being a member of a very large family we get together right before christmas. We play a fun game called White Elephant, it is a blast. Each one of us make a dish, one that we are known for. All of the children love it as they each get to open a gift before christmas :)

  57. I like Gooseberry Patch and Flour Me With Love and also follow Follow Me With love on Pinterest :)

  58. This comment has been removed by the author.

  59. We always read the polar express and read the christmas story and of course leave out goodies and a drink for santa.

  60. i love baking for the holidays and decorating for the kids!

  61. I "Like" Gooseberry Patch on Facebook.

  62. I love baking cookies with my boys. They love helping and it is such great bonding time!

  63. I "Like" Flour Me With Love on Facebook.

  64. Christmas with family.
    Shelley B

  65. I Follow Gooseberry Patch on Twitter.

  66. I Follow Flour Me With Love on Twitter.

  67. I Follow Flour Me With Love on Pinterest.

  68. Christmas eve, Clam chowder.....and goodies , shared with friends and family...

  69. Christmas Eve with my daughter's family. Party food, presents and fun!

  70. I just to returned from my favorite tradition - we went to the forest and cut down our Christmas Tree.

  71. Decorating the house for Christmas and holiday baking :)

  72. Liked Flour Me With Love on Facebook

  73. Liked Gooseberry Patch on Facebook

  74. Pecan Pie is my all-time favorite!! I believe this recipe is close to mine, so darn it, I better make it and see!!! Thanks for sharing the recipe and for the contest.

  75. Pecan Pie is my all-time favorite!! I believe this recipe is close to mine, so darn it, I better make it and see!!! Thanks for sharing the recipe and for the contest.

  76. I love to make things that make each member of my family will enjoy. From lemon meringue pies, to fruit pies to cakes and homemade candies. My ultimate favorite for me is Buche De Noel, or Yule log. Love Flour Me With Love, it has been so good to find down to earth homemade recipes. Thank you so much, Merry Christmas.

  77. My favorite tradition is making cookies with my kids.

  78. I love getting together with our daughters and making special candies, cookies, and other Christmas treats for Christmas Eve and Christmas day....when we get together and someone reads the Christmas Story from the Bible, then we eat, play games, snack, and visit together.

  79. my favorite is baking cookies with mom, grandma's sour cream cutout cookies. then when mom and dad would the house as they was going somewhere, us 5 kids would go down to the basement and bring up the tree, and decorate, it would be all done before they got home. loved doing it.

  80. My favorite christmas tradition is driving around town on christmas eve and looking at all the lights/decor. My grandparents did it with us and i have conintued the tradition with my kids. I believe my grandfathers parents did it with him. I also love baking cookies with my kids christmas eve day for santa, mrs. Clause, the elves, and of course the reindeer. We have a special plate and cup for santa and make to go baggies for the rest.

  81. One of my favorite memoies was wrapping presents,decorating the tree and snacking on goodies we have made.Spending time with family and friends and making sweet memories.And celebrating the true meaning the blessed birth of our Savior.

  82. My favorite traditions are baking & decorating cookies as well as decorating the Christmas Tree while singing Christmas Carols as a family.

  83. I love baking and decorating cookies with my family.

  84. I like FMWL on FB.

  85. Like Gooseberry Patch on FB.

  86. I follow your boards on Pinterest.

  87. My favorite tradition is going to mass and playing Christmas music.

  88. My favorite tradition is having breakfast while opening our stockings from Santa =D

  89. I follow Flour Me With Love on FaceBook. (Doris Styles Henson)

  90. My favorite tradition is family time, putting up the tree together and listening to Christmas music.

  91. I already like gooseberry patch on fb.

  92. I already like flour me with live on fb :)

  93. I love pecan pie! Thanks for sharing & Merry Christmas!

  94. We light an advent candle for all of our meals leading up to Christmas.

  95. This pie looks delicious! Our favorite is probably waking up extra early on Christmas morning, before going to my Grandparents for breakfast, and slowly opening our gifts while the sunrise while sipping special mocha latte my Mom always fixes the family. But candlelight and the glow of the tree. It's magical!

  96. After decorating the tree we sit down and watch Christmas Vacation and drink eggnog from out moose mugs!! And baking cookies, I love to try new recipes every year, along with old favorites too. Liked FMWL and Gooseberry Patch on FB.

  97. Love
    Christmas cookies and candy

  98. I love baking cookies and pies for the family!


    I love baking cookies and pies for the family!

  100. Would love to win !
    Love the wonderful Christmas tradition of LOTS of Food , Family and Fellowship!

  101. I would love to win this.I love Gooseberry Patch.Great recipes. My family love them.

  102. Pecan pie!!! Cookies!!! Gravy!!! .... :)

  103. My favorite tradition is having all my children home...Christmas Eve before unwrapping presents we would have cheese and sausage, barbecued meatballs, herring...all sorts of condiments to go with it...hubby just loves to cut up the cheese and sausage ...sp he can snitch while he is cutting!!! Happy Holidays!!

  104. I love the pictures I am a visual learner you are the are your recipes...THANKS

  105. My favorite Christmas tradition is my family and I pile into one car and drive around to look at all the lights and decorations.

  106. I liked and followed all 5 sites on Pinterest, Facebook and Twitter.

  107. My favorite holiday tradition.... there are many and hard to choose just one. Baking cookies and giving them as gifts to friends and family would be at the top of the list.

  108. Making Buckeyes to give as presents & for eating! I make this pecan pie too but I add more pecans because I love pecans!

  109. I "Like" Flour Me With Love on Facebook

  110. I Follow Flour Me With Love on Pinterest

  111. I "Like" Gooseberry Patch on Facebook

  112. My favorite Christmas tradition is baking cookies to share with family

  113. Growing up with no husband and 4 daughters to raise, money was scarce. Mom always managed to have a beautiful little tree and pretty decorations to adorn it. Our gifts to each other and to other family members were making our favorite Christmas cookies and wrap them up in pretty paper with bows! To this day, I make my sour cream nutmeg cookies and
    think of my dear family with love ...and missing them very much. Blessed Christmas to you!

  114. My favorite tradition....checking out the old cookie recipes and adding some new ones that I've collected since last Christmas....baking up a storm and then the best part....delivering my edible gifts and seeing the delight on the faces of the recipients ;O)

  115. baking cookies on Christmas Eve!!

  116. My favorite Christmas tradition is decorating the tree while watching Home Alone with my babies! We also love baking cookies, truffles and pumpkin logs every holiday season! Merry Christmas!

  117. Nana loves taking her 2 grandsons to ride the Santa Train in Spencer NC; They are 5 and 7 and have gone every Christmas since they were 2 .. That is my most favorite tradition watching their eyes as they see the train pull in and see Santa on board . Terry on December 14 ,2013

  118. I bake cookies and make candy to give as gifts to family and friends. I also make mini loaves of the Amish friendship bread in different flavors. Donna d[dot]brookmyer[at]yahoo[dot]com

  119. I traditionally give handmade gifts to everyone on my list each year

  120. I traditionally make a lot of handmade gifts and foods. I love to make up gift baskets for family and friends and I make a lot of my Christmas decorations by hand.

  121. I know a couple of people who would love these gifts.

  122. My favorite tradition is making buckeye candy. It is something my mom and aunt did and now i do.

  123. I like gooseberry patch on facebook

  124. My three granddaughters and I would have fun making Christmas memories with this.

  125. I am now following you on twitter!

  126. I am now following you on Pinterest!

  127. I have followed both Gooseberry Patch and Flour Me with Love on Facebook for a while now. Do not have a twitter account. My favorite custom: For New Years, we have Corned Beef Brisket along with the Hopping John, and Collard Greens, and Roasted Root Vegetables. This started when the kids were small and the following year they wanted it again and so it has become our family custom. I would love to win this prize. Thanks for the chance.

  128. I love making butter cookies and sandtarts - recipes handed down through the family from the "old country". Growing up in PA, every Christmas Eve Mom would set our dining room table with cheeses and all kinds of meats and fruits and cookies and candies we made. She would have open house for all the neighbors to drop in on til the AM.. We were poor and dad was a policeman, but we shared what we had with our neighbors on our street and others that just dropped in. To this day, I do the same on Christmas Eve and most usually have a houseful with my children and grandchildren. The grandchildren take plates of goodies to our neighbors. Just brings back memories of Christmas Eve and my parents. (

  129. I also have a Pinterest board with your recipes. (

  130. Oh I'd love this! Please this will get me in the Christmas spirit!

  131. As a child I always enjoyed visiting family and friends on Christmas day. I also enjoyed the cookies and goodies we got at each house.

  132. I also follow Gooseberry Patch on Twitter.


  133. I like Gooseberry Patch on Facebook

  134. I like Flour Me With Love on Facebook

  135. My favorite tradition we still do is all family members spend the night at the family that has the largest house . We cook , bake, decorate for the younger ones. We also eat the Santa Claus cookies . When everyone gets up on Christmas morning to the giant gift party/brunch opening.its fun and loving time because some family we only get to see around that time.

  136. My favorite Christmas tradition is looking at holiday lights.

  137. Having family visit. Baking cookies with grandkids.

  138. Having family visit. Baking cookies with grandkids.

  139. Making Pecan pie every year... my very favorite

  140. Family time and making memories. You never know when they won't be around the next year.

  141. My favorite family tradition is just making fudge, and Christmas sugar cookies :)

  142. My favorite family tradition is just making fudge, and Christmas sugar cookies :)

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  143. We love going to see the Christmas lights on Christmas Eve, and then opening one present the night before Christmas.

  144. This looks good! I pinned so I can make soon! Thanks for sharing the recipe!

  145. My favorite tradition is Greens Day, where my family gathers with friends to make wreaths on our farm!

  146. My favorite tradition is making Finsk Brod (Danish Butter Cookies) my step father's recipe. I try to make them every year but some years time and life didn't cooperate!

  147. This is our first year starting it.But,we got together with our children and grand kids. Our daughter made chili with all the fixings.Then we put together a gingerbread house with the grand kids and our big kids.It was so much fun and can't wait until next year to do it again!! Merry Christmas!!

  148. Christmas Caroling with my family over at our neighbors and then having a snow ball fight! Then we all have pots and pans and sing through the house as we are drumming!

  149. I liked flour me with love on facebook. nettie

  150. I liked Gooseberry Patch on facebook. Nettie

  151. I am following Flour Me with Love on Twitter. Nettie

  152. I am following Gooseberry Patch on Twitter. Nettie

  153. I follow Flour me with Love on Pinterest. Nettie

  154. Your pecan Pie looks fabulous, I am trying it this weekend! Nettie

  155. pecan pies and good food.

  156. Absolutely love pecan pie! My favorite Christmas tradition is baking with family. You just can't top quality time in the kitchen!

  157. "Like" Flour Me With Love on Facebook

  158. Follow Flour Me With Love on Twitter

  159. Follow Flour Me With Love on Pinterest

  160. Flour Me With Love ,I am so glad I cam across you blog,my hubby loves to bake .I love making pies and your pecan pie is the easiest recipe I have come across! Thanks

  161. My kids and grandkids and I make our christmas cookies, fudge, caramels, and pumpkin and buttermilk breads together, and then we give out trays to our neighbors and friends. It's fun just getting together, plus I get lovies from my two precious grandsons.

  162. Our Christmas Tradition is the older kids bake a Birthday Cake for Jesus while the younger children have fun taking the cake outside and sing Happy Birthday to Jesus. Merry Christmas

  163. My favorite tradition is our huge family getting together for a great meal together and getting to chat to catch up on everyone's news.

  164. Baking together with all three generations taking part.

  165. I like Gooseberry Patch on facebook. (Connie Bolick Lee)

  166. My favorite family tradition is making my mom's Molasses Cookies. She would have been 100 years old this year if she would have lived. I think that this particular recipe was her mom's. Also, making Potato Candy. Yummy! Of course, Chocolate Chip Cookies are a tradition at our house, too.

  167. My favorite Christmas tradition is baking lots of goodies for friends and family! The old recipes are loved by all, plus I get to try new recipes out. I love the Gooseberry Patch!

    1. Got so excited, I forgot to leave you my information... facebook/Delilah Swinford

  168. Every Christmas I bake for my husbands customers and they always look forward to what he brings. That makes me very happy to see others enjoy what I love to make!

  169. I like Gooseberry on Facebook

  170. I like Gooseberry Patch on Twitter.

  171. I like you on Facebook

  172. I like Gooseberry Patch on Facebook

  173. I follow you on Pinterest.

  174. :) my favorite tradition is visiting my country and family during this time of the year! :)

  175. being with family and friends.

  176. Love the Gooseberry Patch since I'm a buckeye like they are, We always make candy and cookies at Christmas to give to family and friends

  177. Baking!

  178. Baking cookies & making Candy to share with others

  179. Making Cookies with the whole family .. and I have all boys ..

    My favorite tradition is making candy and cookies with my children to share with family and friends.
    Merry Christmas

  181. My favorite tradition is when our family makes sandtarts, this year we had three generations baking them together with Christmas music playing, so much fun!

  182. My favorite Christmas tradition is going to my moms house and eating chocolate pie that she makes especially for me. I cant wait to go there this Christmas. (I liked and followed all that was offered) Happy Holidays to you and yours.

  183. all the baking leading up to the Christmas Holiday. I love to cook and bake !

  184. My favorite Christmas tradition is going to church on Christmas eve and getting together with family. Debbie


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