

Sunday, December 11, 2016

Mix it up Monday!

Mix it up Monday, the blog party without rules! 

Welcome to Mix it up Monday! Did everyone have a nice weekend?  It was so cold and we also got a little bit of snow.  I got some shopping done, but not that much. What did you do this weekend?  Please share at the party so we can take a look!  Wishing you all a wonderful week! 


  1. It was super cold up in MT the past few days too. Didn't do a whole lot besides reading a sci fi book :) Ty for the linkup!

  2. Thanks for hosting! So happy to be linking up this week!

  3. Thanks so much for hosting! Have a lovely week! :)

  4. Thank you so much for the party! I'm sharing a link to my easy homemade Christmas Baileys with a pretty FREE printable and mimosa to welcome the new year. Hope your holiday planning is going smooth and stress-free! XO

  5. This weekend I tried hibernating indoors. It was frigid! I did have to leave to bring my son to a painting class and to pick up some Chinese take out but other than that I stayed cozy by the fire. Thanks for hosting!


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