

Monday, January 9, 2012

Mix it up Monday!

It amazes me at how creative everyone is!  This year I thought I'd host a blog party where everyone can show off their talents.  Even though I'm passionate about cooking, I love seeing all kinds of projects, so this party is open to everyone.  I can't wait to see what you've made!


  1. LOVE this idea!! Can't wait to see AND share!

  2. Yay!! Can't believe I'm the first one. :) Do you have a linky button for this swap that I can place on my page? :)

  3. Congratulations on your new Linky Party!
    I just now saw your party on Face Book and came right over. This will be so much fun, I am sharing my weekly menu with links and recipes. Thanks for hosting and have a wonderful week!
    Miz Helen

  4. WOW Lisa! I'm SO excited about your new party too. I linked up Crockpot Brownies. I will do my best to be here every week. How fun!

  5. This is a wonderful idea. I am glad to be part of it. My scrambled egg muffins are just wonderful. We gobbled them down.

    If you have any soups on your blog, I just put up a linky only for soups. Come on over and warm up with a delicious bowl of soup.

  6. Lisa, thanks for inviting me to your new linky party! I shared a couple yummy recipes :)

  7. Hi Lisa thank you very much for the invite. I joined your blog and put your button on my side bar. I am sharing the yellow cupcakes with chocolate icing. I will stop over next week. thanks and have a great week andi

  8. Hi, Lisa! Thanks for the sweet comment and invite to your linky! Mix it up Mondays sound like lots of fun! I love the style of your blog, it is so homey and warm, can't wait to check out some of your recipes. Have a great night :)


Your comments are greatly appreciated. Thank you for taking the time to leave one :)