
Saturday, December 10, 2011

Healthy Chocolate Cake

Healthy Chocolate Cake, yes it's a first for me!  I normally use everyday ingredients in my recipes until recently when I was approached by Kate from Modern Alternative Mama.  She asked if I'd like to review her newest ebook Treat Yourself ~Real Food Desserts~ and since I've never baked like this before, I said yes! Her site is devoted to cooking as healthy and naturally as possible.  She uses all natural sweeteners like honey and maple syrup;  alternative flours such as almond flour and sprouted flour.  I didn't know what to expect,  so into the kitchen I went and out came a beautiful healthy chocolate cake!  The taste was a little different than what I'm used to, however it turned out very good!  It was moist and baked up just like any other cake.  Would you like a chance to try her recipes too?  Kate is offering one of you a copy of her ebook, all you have to do is leave a comment below!  

Ingredients are as follows:

2 C sprouted flour 
1/2 C. cocoa powder
1 1/4 tsp. baking soda
1/2 tsp. sea salt
1/2 C. butter, melted
1/4 C + 2 Tbsp. maple syrup
1/4 C honey
2 eggs
1 tsp. vanilla
3/4 C buttermilk


Preheat oven to 350 degrees; grease two 8" round cake pans.

Mix together the melted butter, maple syrup and honey.

(You were supposed to add the eggs next, but I forgot and added them at the end!)

Add flour, cocoa powder, baking soda and sea salt.

Start mixing together (this is where I realized I forgot the eggs!).

Add buttermilk, vanilla and eggs; mix until completely combined.

Divide batter evenly into two pans.

Bake for 15 minutes, or until a toothpick in the center comes out clean.

Cool for ten minutes; remove and frost with your favorite frosting.

Slice, serve and enjoy!

If you'd like to purchase the book, here's a coupon for 25% off!  Just enter the code FLOUR25 (this code will expire on the December 14th).

To enter the giveaway leave a comment telling me your favorite healthy dessert!  Contest Closed!  Congratulations comment #22

Sara said...
This looks so good! My favorite healthy dessert is strawberries :). I'd love to try making something chocolate that's healthy!!
Thank you all for entering!

Additional entries need to have a separate comment for each: 

~subscribe by email so you'll never miss a post! (on my sidebar)

~follow on Google Friend Connect (also on my sidebar)

 If you comment as "anonymous" please leave your email.  This contest is open to EVERYONE!!!  It will end on December 17th and the winner will be notified via email.  
I was provided with a copy of Treat Yourself~Real Food Desserts, however the opinions are my own :)



  1. Wow, this looks so good to be healthy! I'm starting to look for healthier desserts that don't compromise flavor, andf this one looks like a good place to start.
    Merry Christmas!

  2. I made some light potato salad last night. It was a first for me and it did taste good. Your cake looks delicious! Thanks for sharing on Sweet Indulgences Sunday.

  3. I would LOVE this book. Since my hubby is diabetic, I'm always looking for wonderful 'healthier' options to fix. That cake looks mighty fine. One of our favorite healthy dishes is a caramel apple salad - made with crushed pineapple, apples, and ff whipped topping.

  4. I 'like' you at Facebook...and away from FB too. =D

  5. Lisa - I'm subscribed to your posts via email, but haven't been getting them. Any ideas what I should do?

  6. My favorite healthy dessert is vanilla yogurt with frozen mixed berries with honey and walnuts. I have 3 kids and I am always looking for healthy desserts and in general healthy food. So I would love to have a copy of this book, meanwhile I will bake this healthy chocolate cake. Thanks for sharing and Merry Christmas

  7. I'm all about trying the bake healthier since im constantly baking! My favorite would be a healthy version of banana bread. So good!

  8. Anything with the words "healthy" and "chocolate" is my kind of recipe! Stopping by from ftlob blog hop:D

  9. Oh my gosh! Can't wait to try this! My kids still talk about how I made them eat rice cakes when they were little. Hey! I put Peantbutter on them! hahahahahaha! Thanks so much for the recipe! Would LOVE to have the cookbook!

  10. I'm starting my search for healthier eating and will add this web site and modern alternative mama to my favorites. I'm intrigued about trying sprouted flour and other healthy ingredients. My favorite healthy dessert has been mixed fruit salads with nothing added -- the flavors are so intense I don't like to dilute them. I'm just surfing links today -- so glad to find you!

  11. That chocolate cake recipe just became my most favorite healthy dessert, sounds yummy!

  12. I like Flour Me With Love on Facebook

  13. I like Modern Aternative Mama on Facebook

  14. I follow Flour Me With Love on Twitter

  15. I followed Modern Alternative Mama on Twitter Twitter handle ConnieBolickLee

  16. this is indeed healthy & looks yummy! Esther @

  17. See that is great, when it can be healthy and taste great, its a win win.

  18. This looks so good! My favorite healthy dessert is strawberries :). I'd love to try making something chocolate that's healthy!!

  19. This looks delicious and I love that you use sprouted flour. My favorite healthy dessert is just a square (or two!) of dark chocolate with a glass of red wine. So easy and full of antioxidants.

  20. Yummy! It looks delicious. I like healthy treats that taste good. :) Thanks for sharing on Crazy Sweet Tuesday!

  21. I love healthier options... thanks for this opportunity! And- thanks for linking up!

  22. What? Healthy cake? I need to try!

  23. I've never tried sprouted flour sounds interesting. I'd love you to add them to my What We Wore and Made Party over at

  24. Fresh strawberries are my favorite

  25. I like Flour me with Love on

  26. for a healthy dessert I would have to say fresh fruit... Marlys Folly

  27. I like flour me with love on fb....

  28. healthy and chocolate in same sentence I will have to try this
    come see what I shared at

  29. What a wonderful treat and healthy too, WOW! It is a great recipe. Hope you are having a great week and thanks so much for sharing with Full Plate Thursday.
    Come Back Soon!
    Miz Helen

  30. Healthy + chocolate? Yes, please!! Thanks so much for linking at Shine on Fridays!

  31. Healthy Chocolate Cake? Am I dreaming? haha! This looks wonderful!

  32. How much maple syrup? Did you mean 1/4C plus 2T?

  33. Thanks for the delicious recipe. Oh, and I agree with the user above who suggested dark chocolate with a glass of wine as another fabulous snack.


Your comments are greatly appreciated. Thank you for taking the time to leave one :)