
Saturday, December 3, 2011

Whatever you like Pie!

This pie is made with oatmeal and coconut, however what's unique is that you can add in whatever you like.  Yes, you heard me right... whatever you like!  You could choose white chocolate, dark chocolate, milk chocolate, walnuts, pecans, raisins, cranberries, whatever your favorite is, just toss it in and enjoy.  I'd love to hear what you would choose, so let me know!

Ingredients are as follows:

3 eggs
1/3 C. sugar
1 C. brown sugar
2/3 C. old fashioned oats
2/3 C. coconut
2 Tbsp. butter, melted
1 tsp. vanilla
1/2 C. optional ingredient (whatever your favorite is!)

1 unbaked pie crust


Preheat oven 350 degrees; have pie crust prepared.

Beat eggs for a minute or two.

Add both sugars and beat until thick and pale yellow.

Fold in (by hand) the oatmeal and coconut.

Stir in your favorite ingredient (ours was white chocolate).

Pour into prepared pie crust.

Bake for 25-30 minutes; until center of the pie is set.

(allow to cool before slicing)

Slice, serve and enjoy!


  1. Yumm.This looks wonderful.Are you using quick oats or regular? Warm Blessings!~Amy

  2. What a fun and yummy idea! I love the fact that you can put whatever you like in it, that way everyone's is different!

    Thanks for sharing!

  3. What if I don't like coconut? Is it necessary? Can I replace it with something else?

  4. Lauren,
    I'm sure you could substitute more oats for it, just make sure the ratio's stay the same :)

  5. That looks great! You could spin it any way your like :) Stopping by from Savory Sunday!

  6. WOW! Yours actually looks Awesome! What was your extra thing?

    Monica Williams

  7. Sounds delicious! I love oatmeal and coconut, so I would be fine with just those, but the ability to add all those other things is AWESOME:)

  8. Oh my, I don't know what I would add. the base sounds just amazing by itself. so I would do some chocolate, but probably like big chunks. Yummy.

  9. YUM! This looks awesome! If you get a chance, I'd love to have you link up to my party at Thanks for sharing!

  10. this looks so delicious yummy come see me at

  11. You always have such yummy looking treats. Saw this little number at Turning the Table Thursday. Great idea! Not a coconut lover, I think I'd try more's whatever I like, right?!

  12. oh my! that looks delicious! reminds me of a pie I used to eat when I was younger. Thanks for sharing!

  13. Mmmmm...sounds good. I think I'd add raisins or chocolate chips, but cranberries sounds good, too.
    New follower. Stop by & follow me, too. Growing Old With Grace
    Hugs. GraceinAZ

  14. I love dishes like this where the cook makes the decisions.

  15. These really sound delicious. I love to visit your blog.I never leave without a recipe or cooking tip. I hope you have a great day. Blessings...Mary

  16. I love recipes where you can just use pantry staples! No more excuses for not baking with a recipe like this!

  17. I love this recipe idea of yours. Seems easy to bake too.

    Following your lovely blog. I am also inviting you to join Autumn Blog Hop 2011 at Momma's Lounge ( ) where you meet more mom bloggers; shout away; add your giveaways and/or blog and business links; and get featured by sharing your crafts, recipes and interesting musings.

    If you are interested, I am also giving away my Over and Under themed personally handmade bookmark. This is not a contest. Everyone can request this beautifully handmade bookmark for FREE. Simply get this link to make your request:

    Thank you and have a great day from

  18. I will just have to make this pie, it looks like it would be so good. Thank you so much for sharing with Full Plate Thursday. Hope you are having a great week and come back soon!
    Miz Helen

  19. Fabulous recipe, I'm not usually a pie baker but this one is for me. Thank you for sharing.

    Lori m

  20. Um, it's a pie. Enough for me! :) Love it! Thanks for sharing on Crazy Sweet Tuesday!

  21. This pie look and sound amazing. I would love it if you came to link to my holiday recipe swap blog hop. It is my first ever! Love these recipes.
    -Erin Kennedy


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