

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Featuring You!

Welcome to Featuring You!  This week our Spotlight of the Week goes to Melding Magic for sharing this delicious Strawberry-Lemon Angel Food Trifle.  Look at all those pretty layers!  Lots of recipes and projects shared this week and it is greatly appreciated.   I hope you find lots of  inspiration like I always do :)

Our features this week are:


Thank you all for sharing,
I hope to see you next week too!

he ultimate chocolate cupcake stuffed with a CHEESECAKE pumpkin. - See more at: http://www.hungryhappenings.com/2013/09/ultimate-cheesecake-stuffed-Halloween-cupcakes.html#sthash.IDHxytnR.dpuf
he ultimate chocolate cupcake stuffed with a CHEESECAKE pumpkin. - See more at: http://www.hungryhappenings.com/2013/09/ultimate-cheesecake-stuffed-Halloween-cupcakes.html#sthash.IDHxytnR.dpuf

1 comment:

  1. Hi Lisa! Thanks so much for Spotlight of the Week! I'm honored. Hope you have a wonderful week.


Your comments are greatly appreciated. Thank you for taking the time to leave one :)