

Saturday, October 22, 2016

Baked Granola Apples

Delicious apples with baked granola and ice cream!

Baked Granola Apples with butter, cinnamon and raisins!

It's apple season!  Fall is the perfect time to make a variety of apple desserts, and these Baked Granola Apples definitely caught my eye.  They are made with Viki's Granola Apple Cinnamon – which is a blend of gluten-free oats, organic honey, unsweetened coconut, and mixed with dried sweetened apples, raisins and a sprinkle of cinnamon.  You can serve these for breakfast or dessert!


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  • 3 tablespoons cold butter, diced
  • 3 tablespoon dark brown sugar
  • ½ teaspoon brown sugar
  • Pinch of salt
  • 4 apples, washed and dried
  • 1 cup of Viki's Granola Apple Cinnamon 
  • Vanilla ice cream


Preheat oven to 375°. 
  1. In a bowl combine butter, brown sugar, cinnamon and salt. Take good care to mash everything together with a fork.
  2. Use a melon baller, apple corer or paring knife to remove apple cores; don't go all the way through.
  3. Place apples in a small baking dish and fill the center of the apples with the butter mixture and bake for 30-40 minutes.
  4. To serve, top with Viki's Apple Cinnamon Granola and a scoop of ice cream.

Recipe provided by Viki's Granola; made with 100% all natural ingredients, gluten-free and baked with love. Unlike other granolas with hard clusters, Viki's has a fresh, soft, chewy texture and no artificial aftertaste. 


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