

Saturday, January 14, 2017

Simply Sesame Banana Nut Swirl Bread

Bananas, walnuts, and cinnamon swirled into a moist & delicious sesame bread!

Bananas, walnuts, and cinnamon swirled into a moist & delicious sesame bread!

I love a good challenge and when I was asked to participate in the first Simply Sesame Blogger Recipe Challenge, I was more then happy to acceptI had to create a recipe using one of the Simply Sesame products; Vanilla with Almond Bites, Pistachio Morsels with a hint of Cardamom or Pure Roasted Sesame Spread.

“The challenge date has been set; the pans will be banging to see who becomes the winner of the first annual Simply Sesame Blogger Recipe Challenge.” 


I chose to use the Pure Roasted Sesame and combine it with bananas, walnuts, brown sugar, and cinnamon to create a moist delicious bread...enjoy!

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Ingredients are as follows: 

1 1/2 C flour
3/4 tsp. baking powder
3/4 tsp. baking soda
1/4 tsp. salt
1/2 C sugar
3/4 C Pure Roasted Sesame Spread
1 egg
1 tsp. vanilla
2 ripe bananas

swirl topping:
2/3 C brown sugar
1/4 C ground walnuts
2 tsp. cinnamon
4 Tbsp. butter, melted


Preheat oven to 350 degrees; grease a 9x5 inch loaf pan.

Cream the sugar and Pure Roasted Simply Sesame spread together.

Bananas, walnuts, and cinnamon swirled into a moist & delicious sesame bread!

Mix in the egg, vanilla, and bananas; stir until combined.

Bananas, walnuts, and cinnamon swirled into a moist & delicious sesame bread!

Fold in the flour, baking powder, baking soda, and salt.

Bananas, walnuts, and cinnamon swirled into a moist & delicious sesame bread!

Pour into the loaf pan and set aside.  In a bowl, mix the brown sugar, walnuts and cinnamon together.

Bananas, walnuts, and cinnamon swirled into a moist & delicious sesame bread!

Stir the melted butter into the brown sugar mixture and pour on top of the batter.  Swirl it around with a knife.

Bananas, walnuts, and cinnamon swirled into a moist & delicious sesame bread!

Bake for 40-45 minutes; until a toothpick in the center comes out clean.  Allow to cool in the pan for a few minutes then remove to a cooling rack. 

Bananas, walnuts, and cinnamon swirled into a moist & delicious sesame bread!

 Slice, serve and enjoy!

Don't forget to follow Simply Sesame on:

         Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/imsimplysesame/


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